Tips For First-Time Dog Owners

Tips For First-Time Dog Owners

As my regular readers will know, we recently became a dog family. We didn’t stop with just one – we now have 3 dogs! Our beautiful poochon, Biscuit delivered a litter of cavapoochon puppies in the summer. And although we consider all those puppies family, one of them found his forever home with us! Over the past 2 years, we’ve collected quite a few tips and tricks we can pass on to first-time dog owners.

Bringing a new pet dog into your home for the first time can be very exciting. However, you also likely have many questions about how to make it a successful experience for you and your dog.

There are some actions you’re going to want to take to ensure that your pet stays happy and healthy over the years. Being a pet owner is a learning curve so be patient with yourself as your new dog gets settled. For starters, make sure that you take the time to review and learn about some tips for first-time dog owners. 

Gather all the Right Supplies

You want to make sure your home is set up to welcome a dog home to it. Therefore, take time to gather and invest in all the right supplies for your pet. For example, you’re going to want to have a crate and food and water dishes. Now is also a good time to figure out what you are going to feed your pet. One idea is to look into feeding your dog Grain Free Dog Food which is a very nutritious and healthy option. You’ll also want to purchase a collar and a leash so you can take your dog for walks.

Take Time to Train Your Dog

You want to keep your dog safe, happy, and healthy. Therefore, you should take the time to train your dog so they know certain and basic commands. It’s especially important to potty train them to go to the bathroom outdoors. You may also want to teach them other commands such as to sit or heel. You’ll likely want the help of a professional dog trainer so consider taking your pet to a class or scheduling one-on-one sessions. You’ll want to confirm you have plenty of treats on hand for training your new dog.

Make Time for Exercise & Play

All dogs need daily exercise to keep healthy and happy. This will also help ensure that they maintain a good weight. As a first-time dog owner, you’re going to want to make plenty of time for exercise and play. Taking your dog for walks or hikes is also a great way for you to stay active. Make sure that at the very minimum, you get outside to have them run around in your backyard regularly. When you’re in the house you can give them toys to play with that will keep them busy and engaged. 

Find A Good Vet

You’re also going to want to make sure you take the time to secure a good veterinarian in the area. Consider getting recommendations from family members or friends. You will need to keep up with regular wellness checkups and appointments for your dog. You also never know when your dog may get sick and you will need to bring them into the vet office or give your vet a call to gather some information about how they’re feeling. It will give you peace of mind knowing that you have a vet that you can rely on to keep your dog feeling their best.

If you have any tips for first-time dog owners then please let us know in the comments below!


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