The Birth of our Cavapoochon Puppies

We have some excellent news. Our dog, Biscuit gave birth to a beautiful litter of Cavapoochon puppies last week. This…

Dog Pregnancy Diary – Weeks 6 and 7

In a previous post, we began our dog pregnancy diary. In that post, we covered weeks 1 to 5. Following…

Whelping Kit Essentials

We recently found out our Poochon, Biscuit is due another litter of Cavapoochon Puppies. At the time of writing, she…

What At-Home Business Owners Need to Know When Raising a New Puppy

Our beautiful Poochon, Biscuit is due a litter of puppies. Upon hearing this news, lots of my friends are eager…

Poochon Pregnancy Diary

Our Poochon, Biscuit and Cavapoo Blue are going to be parents once again! They have previously had a litter of…

We Took our Pregnant Dog for an Ultrasound Scan

In a previous post, I announced Biscuit’s second pregnancy! She is due a litter of 3 Cavapoochon Puppies! We had…

Adolescent Dog Classes with Dogs Trust

Castiel is our youngest dog. He is now 8 months old. Having older dogs, we initially decided to skip puppy…

7 Simple Ways to Change Up Your Usual Dog Walking Routine

You may love seeing the excitement on your dog’s face right when you tell them it’s time for their walk.…

Tips For First-Time Dog Owners

As my regular readers will know, we recently became a dog family. We didn’t stop with just one – we…

Puppy Vaccinations

Before a puppy can leave the house and go into the garden, they need to have had their first set…

Our Puppies are 8 Weeks Old! A Pupdate

Regular readers will know our beautiful dogs, Biscuit and Blue had a litter of stunning cavapoochon puppies 8 weeks ago.…

Essential New Puppy Checklist

Our Poochon, Biscuit and our Cavapoo, Blue recently had a litter of 3 adorable puppies. We have decided to keep…

The First Month in the Life of a Cavapoochon Puppy

The weeks have absolutely flown by and our cavapoochon puppies are growing and developing well. We wanted to put together…

Week 1 in the Life of Our Puppies

Recently our beautiful Poochon, Biscuit, and our adorable Cavapoo, Blue became parents for the first time. Biscuit and Blue have…

Signs your Dog Could be Pregnant

After my dogs mated, I was unaware she was pregnant. We only suspected she could be pregnant at week 6.…

We have a Pregnant Poochon!

We had a bit of a whirlwind experience these past few weeks with our pregnant poochon, here’s our journey!

Introducing Blue, our Cavapoo Puppy!

This is just a quick post to introduce you to the new addition to our family, Blue the Cavapoo puppy!

Dog-Friendly Places on the Isle of Wight

Having recently purchased our puppy, Biscuit, we headed off for a little holiday earlier this summer. We were incredibly surprised…