Are you Ready for a Dog?

Are you Ready for a Dog?

Our poochon, Biscuit recently gave birth to a beautiful litter of cavapoochon puppies. The puppies are almost ready to go and we have lots of interest in the little bundles of joy. Some interested parties are clearly not ready for a dog.

Having dogs is a huge undertaking and one that you are going to need to make sure you are happy to make before you do. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a position where you have a new dog but you can’t actually do all you can to look after them properly. That isn’t fair on the dog, most of all, and it means that you are going to struggle to enjoy having them too. With that in mind, you’ll find it is much better if you can first ensure that you are genuinely ready to have a dog in your life.

But how can you be sure of that? In this post, we will take a look at some of the main ways that you can do this. As long as you have thought about the following, you’re going to find that you are much more ready for a dog in your life.


One of the main things you are going to need is a lot of time. Looking after a dog requires that you have lots of time spare, so you should make sure that you do indeed have this in place. If you are not entirely sure whether or not you have the necessary time available then you might want to double check on this. It does take a lot of your time up looking after any kind of dog.

The main way in which this is the case is that you need to walk your dogs twice a day, so you need to ask yourself whether you actually have that spare in your schedule. If you don’t, you’ll find that you struggle to really make it work. All in all, you have to have time free if you are going to care for your dog effectively.

Cavapoochon puppy


As well as time, it also requires that you have a fair bit of energy. Again, you’ll have to walk the dog twice a day at least, so you should make sure that you have the appropriate energy to do this. This is something that you can probably figure out by just being honest about how you feel. It’s likely that you are going to find yourself struggling to do it at first if you are not very fit – and while it may help you to get fit, you can’t really take that risk, as you need to be caring for your dog in the meantime.

So be sure that you feel you have lots of energy reserves if you want to get ready to have dogs in your life. It’s going to be one of the most important parts of this whole process.


Having a dog requires a lot of patience too. If you are not able to be patient with your dog, then you’ll struggle to look after them properly and to get them to be an older and wiser dog. You will especially require lots of patience when you are thinking about getting a puppy. When you look at dogs for sale and you are comparing the different puppies, bear in mind that some breeds have a lot more energy than others, so you’ll have to consider this as well. Strong patience is going to help you to really care for your dog as well as possible, and without it, you will find that you struggle.

Of course, you can’t force yourself to have more patience, so it’s something you either have with dogs or not.

Are you ready for a dog?

Meeting Their Needs

You might be surprised at just how many needs a dog has, especially if you have never had one before. As well as the walking and providing plenty of space for them to move around in, you need to ensure you can feed them consistently, provide them with toys and comfort, and keep them happy by providing lots of love. That is just part of the equation, but you should at least be able to do this stuff if you want to have a dog.

As long as you genuinely feel you can meet their needs, you should find that this is going to help you to feel so much more ready for a dog, so this is something that you should certainly think about here.

Those are the main concerns when it comes to getting ready to have a dog. Make sure that you are genuinely in a good place when it comes to this.


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