Essential Considerations Before Owning a Dog

We are the proud owners of 3 beautiful dogs. A Poochon named Biscuit, Blue, our Cavapoo and now one of…

The First Month in the Life of a Cavapoochon Puppy

The weeks have absolutely flown by and our cavapoochon puppies are growing and developing well. We wanted to put together…

Week 1 in the Life of Our Puppies

Recently our beautiful Poochon, Biscuit, and our adorable Cavapoo, Blue became parents for the first time. Biscuit and Blue have…

We have a Pregnant Poochon!

We had a bit of a whirlwind experience these past few weeks with our pregnant poochon, here’s our journey!

Dog Fest 2023- Tatton Park

This weekend we went to our very first Dog Fest! This was a fabulous event that we humans, as well…